

(1)[Exclusive] “9 CCTVs, not at the entrance
(2)”All”… PPT rebuttal to Kang Hyung-wook’s explanation
(3)JoongAng Ilbo | 2024.05.26 17:23Last modified 2024.05.26 18:13
(4)And we plan to take legal action if necessary to protect them.





(1)① CCTV: Confirmation of dog theft vs. surveillance, actually at the entrance
(2)CEO Kang said, “(Outside) people came, there were goods, and dogs came, so CCTV was absolutely necessary. Dogs could bite us, and there could be theft or intrusion by outsiders, so we installed dozens of CCTVs. CCTV is not for monitoring employees.” In response to the explanation, the employees countered, saying, “From 2014 to 2015, there was one in a villa in Jamwon-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, where only office workers were located, and there were nine in an office on the 7th floor of a building in Jamwon-dong from 2015 to 2017.”
(3)Employee B said, “Even though it was a regular office where dogs did not come because there were trainers on the first basement floor of Jamwon-dong and only marketing work was done in the villa next door, there were CCTVs.” He added, “After moving to the 7th floor of the Jamwon-dong building, we installed 9 CCTVs in the office. “It was sweet,” he said.
(4)Mr. A claimed, “If the purpose was to prevent theft and identify outsiders, CCTV should have been installed at the entrance, but CCTV was installed in the 7th floor office for surveillance, and there was a fake one installed in the entrance where parcels for delivery were piled up.” At the same time, he asked, “During his trip to Japan, CEO Kang sent a repair technician to say that one of the nine CCTV channels was not working, but what did it mean if it was not surveillance?” After moving into a separate building in Deokso, Namyangju, a CCTV was installed in the entrance. Regarding this, “At the time, there was a blind spot on the entrance CCTV.



(1)② Abuse: “That’s not what I’m saying” vs. “I heard it directly through the wall.” Representative Kang responded to the suspicion that he used abusive language to trainers, such as “Crawl out, you’re not worth breathing,” saying, “It’s not something I’m angry about, and I don’t swear well either.” He added, “You can be as angry as you want without swearing.”
(2)In response to this, the employees refuted that they heard CEO Kang verbally abusing the trainer loudly for over 20 minutes from the next room, and that they also had a recording of it. Employee A said, “In a meeting where employees were being questioned about mistakes made outside of work, Director Susan asked, ‘Every day is going to be like hell, what are your plans for the future?’” He added, “Among the employees, there are people who have been gaslighted by saying they are worthy of being verbally abused. “There were a lot of them,” he said.
(3)Employee B complained, “I personally heard CEO Kang call the trainer into the room and yell at him for over 20 minutes, saying, ‘Crawl out, you’re not even worth breathing.’” He added, “Years have passed, but I’m still experiencing the trauma from that time.” Employees also have recordings of some of the verbal abuse.



(1)③ Messenger surveillance: Because of male hatred and son-desire vs. “Women, you need to have more children.”
(2)Regarding the reason why Director Susan paid for the in-house messenger Lineworks and monitored conversations between employees, she said, “Because of the use of anti-male words such as Hannam, ridicule of my just-born 6-7 month old son, and sarcasm about my appearance on entertainment programs. “My eyes rolled over,” he said, adding, “I felt remorse, but I couldn’t let go, so I stayed up all night watching six months’ worth of conversations.”
(3)Employees estimated that messenger monitoring began before July 23, 2018. At this time, CEO Kang and his wife received a consent form from employees to collect and use personal information, saying, ‘We confirm that the messenger program is owned by Bodeum Company and agree to the company viewing information transmitted and received through the company network.’



(1)Employee A said, “It is not the female employees who first used misogynistic words, but CEO Kang often said things like ‘Women should have a lot of children,’ so while talking on messenger, the male employee said things like ‘Hannam,’ and he agreed with this. ·I just accepted it,” he said. “It doesn’t even make sense that my eyes turned away because I cursed at my son. “Even though I hated CEO Kang, I never hated my son,” he said.
(2)Then, the CEO told a plump female trainer to get off the website, and a large male employee posed waddling with his armpits and arms spread out. Who is this person who lacks gender sensitivity?” he said. “The explanation broadcast is not an explanation, but rather the problem raised. It was a witch hunt broadcast against employees. “It was my fault for wanting him to apologize now,” she said.

最初に更衣室にcctv つけたとしても問題にならなかったか?
ところがカン・ヒョンウク解明ユトゥクビデオコメント にもすでにオフィスにもcctv設置必要あるという意見が一般的なうえ、再反論というのが全部オフィス赤ちゃんしかなく、スタッフ監視用という主張だけありますね。


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