


(3)As a Korean, I think European young people are satisfied with their lives.
(4)Especially because
(5)First, the welfare system
(6)Second, beautiful cityscapes?
(7)But why are you so passionate about the American Dream?
(8)Or in other words
(9)Why are young people increasingly interested in America?
(10)I’ll start this story first
(11)Someone else’s rice cake looks bigger
(13)What do you not have?
(14)America is just so different to us
(15)That’s true, but it’s just so different.
(16)There is no such thing as ‘Hollywood’ in Europe.
(17)American culture is so dominant worldwide
(18)I think…
(19)I just want to say something while talking about movies.
(20)When we turn on the TV, American dramas come on
(21)Especially the ones I watched when I was about 15
(22)It’s a drama that takes place in an American school.
(23)Each person has their own locker.
(24)Everyone has strange hair dyes and is so cool.
(25)Do you have a group of friends who are popular?
(26)There are also scoundrels
(27)It’s just very impressive
(28)… There is a drama about six people living in New York.
(29)I show you a hip lifestyle
(30)Go to a cafe, sit and talk
(31)But I’m never seen working.
(32)You don’t seem to have any worries again
(33)We just hang out and hang out.
(34)You’re selling a lifestyle that doesn’t actually exist.
(35)Also, that’s why it’s so attractive to some young Europeans.
(36)Now, that’s what you expect when you go to America.
(37)While watching TV, you probably thought, ‘That’s America.’
(38)So when it actually gets to that point,
(39)I can’t live the happy life I saw in dramas.
(40)Of course, it was originally an X sound.
(41)Even if you think about it just a little bit



(1)On the other hand, what you say…
(2)It means that America is very good at producing content.
(3)They’re brainwashing me again.
(4)The impact is really, really big.
(5)I even watch a lot of YouTube instead of TV.
(6)But if you look at the American YouTube channel…
(7)Living life while traveling
(8)You know what it is, right?
(9)I was influenced by that too.
(10)in my personal opinion
(11)it’s even worse
(12)They show everything ‘for real’ there.
(13)the huge villa they live in
(14)I have my own swimming pool
(15)There are five dogs
(16)Especially the younger generation in Europe now respects such people.
(17)I got a lot of motivation
(18)They also want to have a big swimming pool and buy a big house.
(19)But is that possible in Europe?
(20)Because of the welfare system, we have to pay a lot of taxes.
(21)That way it can be maintained
(22)Besides, you have to pay attention to what other people think.
(23)In Denmark, there is ‘Jante’s Law’, right?
(24)The same goes for Scandinavia
(25)Jante’s Law
(26)Here, Jante is a phrase published in 1933 by Danish-Norwegian writer Axel Sandemose.
(27)Essay on
(28)It is the name of a fictional Danish town that appears, and this town is a place where ‘well-off people’ are not treated well.
(29)If you are smarter or more handsome than the average person in this town, you are treated as a strange person.
(30)There are 10 rules here. Jante’s laws, consisting of 10, are as follows:
(31)1. Don’t think you are a special person.
(32)2. Don’t be mistaken in thinking that you are a better person than others.3. Don’t think you are smarter than other people.
(33)4. Don’t be proud that you are better than others.
(34)5. Don’t think you know more than others.
(35)6. Don’t think you are more important than others.
(36)7. Don’t think you’re good at everything.
(37)8. Don’t laugh at others.
(38)9. Don’t assume that other people are interested in you.
(39)10. Don’t think you can teach anyone anything.
(40)Because of ‘Jante’s Law’
(41)Things like a large swimming pool or a big house…
(42)Because no one else can do it
(43)I can’t have a big house or a mansion
(44)Driving a Hummer
(45)I can’t even pollute the air like crazy.
(46)Because everything is banned in Scandinavia.
(47)But what am I thinking?
(48)I’m proud of your welfare system and European lifestyle.
(49)So no matter what you see, whether it’s the swimming pool or anything else,
(50)You guys are like, “Such poor people.”
(51)“What a waste of water”
(52)We think this is normal
(53)Growing up under this system…
(54)I feel it too
(55)If you look at the US welfare system, it is much worse than the minimum in Europe.
(56)Still, I hope to go there
(57)Still want to go to America



(1)If you get sick in the U.S. and get medical treatment,
(2)Medical problems are not easy even in Northern Europe. The difference is that in the United States, if you don’t have money, you can’t get treatment, and if you have a lot of money, you can get treatment, but in Northern Europe, it’s a first-come, first-served treatment system, so if you have money or not, you can get treatment if you’re fast, and if you’re slow, you can’t. Waiting 3 months to see a doctor is the standard. Anyway, most people don’t get treatment properly. They are similar in that they do not receive service, so no one can criticize the other.
(3)Contrary to what we think, Europe is a society that is quite at a standstill.
(4)In Northern Europe, which is mentioned in the text as Jante’s Law, class mobility is almost impossible.
(5)For young Europeans who want to succeed and make a lot of money and rise in status,
(6)The United States will seem much more attractive than Europe.



(1)No property tax, no transfer tax, no inheritance tax
(2)Then what is there? There is a 50% income tax. Instead of having little or no inherited or transferred assets, all of them are treated as income.
(3)It’s not that class mobility is almost non-existent, it’s just impossible.
(4)Since the three above are missing or low, the rich will be eternally rich and will not complain even if taxes are high.



(1)Sweden – The income gap is the lowest, but the asset gap is the highest and there is no inheritance tax.
(2)1. Professional with a gold spoon 2. Unemployed with a gold spoon 3. Professional with a dirt spoon 4. Unemployed with a dirt spoon
(3)If there are 4 people like this, isn’t the structure such that number 3 can never overtake number 2?
(4)The person who would be most satisfied with the Nordic welfare state seems to be number 2, followed by number 4 who is satisfied, and number 1 who probably doesn’t care much, while number 3 seems to be the most dissatisfied with the Nordic-style society.
(5)So, energetic young people and talented people
(6)Self-made type people are leaving Scandinavia
(7)We are actually a class society
(8)There really is a hierarchy over there.



(1)Europe will lead the future market like American big tech companies.
(2)There are no high-tech companies, so they want to put pressure on them.
(3)To put it bluntly, my car’s engine is about to break down and I have to stop the car.
(4)The more the guy who ran next to me ran, the more he ran
(5)Cars are getting better and engines are stronger, right?
(6)So how would you feel?
(7)Recently, when MS acquired Able, there was an uproar in the UK.
(8)This trend is hidden to some extent.
(9)Not only in the UK but also in the EU, giving a shit to big American tech companies has the same meaning as in the UK (except for Apple).
(10)Am I a talented young European? Then definitely go to the US.
(11)Daewoo’s environment itself is such that European companies cannot match American companies.
(12)It’s simple to think about why all the world’s talented people go to the United States.


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