(1)1. Do not use dead metaphors. Use a baby bouncer instead of a baby slide. 2. Avoid using long words when you can use short words. The word “pantsu” is used instead of “pussy shell.” 3. Remove words that are safe to leave out. I am Mosol instead I use. 4. If you can use the active voice, do not use the passive voice. Instead of saying, “I am being eaten by him,” use “He is picking on me.” 5. Do not use technical terms if there is a corresponding everyday word. Instead of masturbating, I use sad genital friction alone. 6. If the principles lead to rude expressions, break the principles. Instead of New Millennium Nipple Hanmadang Pungmul Sex, use an extremely fleeting one-night stand with an outrageously erotic partner. Huh.. please call me Utdae’s Juji Oyeol..
私もこんなドリップしたい ある日精神病棟に強制受け入れられたと書いても