(1)starting a tanning salonMaldivesTanning
(2)People making money
(3)But the rent is high, so now
(1)starting a tanning salonMoneyMakingPeople画像テキストの翻訳
(2)Maldives Tanning
(3)You’re not in business.
(1)starting a tanning salonMaldivesTanning画像テキストの翻訳
(2)People in the rain
(3)Then you can lower the rent a bit.
(1)starting a tanning salonmaldivestanningmoneymaking people画像テキストの翻訳
(2)Does the landlord? No, they don’t.
(1)People making money画像テキストの翻訳
(2)That’s you!
(3)The price of the building is a year’s income.
(1)People making money画像テキストの翻訳
(2)That’s you!
(4)I think it’s about 4% of the investment, right?
(1)People making money画像テキストの翻訳
(2)That’s you!
(3)If (a building) costs 10 billion, then
(1)Money Makers”画像テキストの翻訳
(2)That’s you!
(3)I need to make $400 million a year.
(1)People who make moneySuccessful startups are you!画像テキストの翻訳
(2)I need to earn 400 million won in rent.
(1)Appearance and banner ad inquiries are charged to People画像テキストの翻訳
(2)A bowl of noodles made with time and care
(3)So to keep the price of the building from dropping
(1)Appearance and banner ad inquiries画像テキストの翻訳
(2)The People
(3)I’m not paying rent
(1)Appearances and banner ads 문의hyeop2022 gmail.com돈버는 People画像テキストの翻訳
(2)Will lowering the rent reduce the value of my silver building?
(1)Appearance and banner ad inquiries画像テキストの翻訳
(2)People making money