매일경제 イ・スンフン キレッキレ野郎

매일경제 イ・スンフン キレッキレ野郎


(1)Maeil Business TV
(2)”Dokdo is our land” shouted Motherland… Line disaster and Pokemon cards [World &Now].
(3)投稿 2024-05-14 14:07
(4)NAVER’s rare Pokémon card easily snatched by SoftBankSouth Korean government to step in for arbitrationScold NAVER, not JapanSpooning it as a good opportunityPolitical ‘bamboo street’ is more problematic

매일경제 イ・スンフン キレッキレ野郎


(1)Maeil Business TV
(2)If you get it wrong, you could end up destroying your other businesses.
(3)It’s been a long time coming, but the South Korean government has recently taken a more proactive stance.
(4)The most urgent thing is to talk directly to the Japanese government.
(5)LineYahoo’s administrative map response deadline, which is currently scheduled for July 1, has been postponed.
(6)You should leave out any references to equity or capital relationships.
(7)It’s a time when action speaks louder than words.
(8)The Daily Telegraph
(9)Seung Hoon Lee Tokyo Correspondent



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