


(1)Tuesday, May 14, 2024 Opinion, page A31
(2)Shakeup in Kim probe’s chain of command, but should it have happened now?
(3)The Justice Ministry on Wednesday announced a sweeping reshuffle at the prosecutor general level. Seoul Central District Prosecutor Song Kyung-ho, who is leading the investigation into the alleged acceptance of luxury bags by Kim Gun-hee, wife of President Yoon Seok-yul, and the alleged manipulation of Deutsche Motors’ stock price, was replaced. The first and fourth deputy chief prosecutors of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office, who were in charge of the Kim investigation, were also replaced. The change in command comes as the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office recently launched a full-scale investigation into Kim’s alleged receipt of luxury bags. This is unusual, so it is not too late to do so. In such a situation, the entire line of command of the investigation involving Mrs. Kim was changed. There are other backgrounds that must be mentioned.
(4)Prosecutor Song Ji was originally a “Yoon Seok-yeol line” prosecutor, but earlier this year, he reportedly clashed with the presidential office over his insistence on investigating Ms. Kim in connection with the Deutsche Motors stock manipulation case. It was said that he tried to replace Song Ji, but was opposed by Prosecutor General Lee Won-seok. The allegations were unconfirmed. However, with the recent replacement of Song Ji, it is more likely that they are true.
(5)All of the prosecutors who were replaced were promoted, including Song Ji, who was transferred to the Busan Prosecutor’s Office. However, there are many things that are difficult to understand about such a routine personnel change. Prosecutor-level promotions are usually made in late January or early February. That time has passed, and there was no particular need for a change. Attorney General Park Sung-jae reportedly said, “It’s not the time to worry about personnel,” shortly after taking office in February. Prosecutor General Lee Won-seok’s two-year term ends in September.
(6)Song’s successor, Jeonju District Prosecutor Lee Chang-soo, had previously served as Yoon’s “right-hand man,” the spokesperson for the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office, during the disciplinary scandal. It appears that President Yun has put someone he trusts more than anyone else in charge of the Kim investigation. There is a strong concern that this will undermine the credibility of the investigation and further inflame the special prosecutor controversy.



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