(1)When the president gets sick or something, there’s a certain disruption of order in the country.
(2)So they say you should do it every year, every year
(3)And then at one point, a president has to have an endoscopy.
(4)When you go for a checkup, they do a gastroscopy colonoscopy.
(5)Actually, most endoscopies are done under sedation these days.
(6)Saebyeol TV
(7)The president is not supposed to be unconscious.
(8)Shinsegae TV & TV
(9)Because if the president is unconscious, he’s in a state of emergency.
(10)New RailTA
(11)The prime minister is supposed to be the commander-in-chief and all that stuff.
(12)That’s why the process is so complicated.
(13)They say that when you’re president, you have to do all your endoscopies in a vacuum.