(1)자유게시판 ▼김민정 어머니 보세요.(392)
(2)24.05.10 17:31 | Recommendations 3356 | Views 150046.
(3)Modified 24.05.10 21:28
(4)View all posts by worldmansakesera
(5)I noticed that you reported the article I wrote below and asked me to blind it.
(6)hello. I am the mother of Kim Hyun Jung’s child. I can completely understand the other parent’s feelings as I am also raising a child.
(7)However, the ruthless comments, which are not exactly factually correct, are causing my daughter to suffer greatly. For the past year, she hasn’t been able to go to school properly.
(8)I’m still in counseling and psychiatric treatment. I can’t do anything for fear of my child getting hurt, so I’m keeping him at home.Please take a good look at it and blind it.
(9)The kids in the class know about it, the teacher knows about it.
(10)Let’s look at the evidence I have out in the open.
(11)Let’s see what your daughter said and open everything you’ve captured.
(12)Try quoting my post one more time.
(13)I will publish her school, phone number, photo, and family connections, and then I will sue both the school and the district, and I will contact the media and make it all over the country.
(14)I’m not scared anymore. Did they sue me for libel?
(15)I’m just getting started. Revenge on the people who put my daughter through that.
(16)There are three of them. Your daughter, some nutcase. Someone to kill.
(17)The madman wants to kill my daughter because she forgave him in her lifetime, but he’s holding on to her will.
(18)He’s on criminal trial, and I’m going to punish him legally.
(19)But your daughter is not worthy of forgiveness.
(20)Of course I realize your daughter is not 100% directly responsible, so if she was punished for the abuse, I would have forgiven her for that.
(21)Kim Min-jung may have never apologized to my daughter.
(22)But she didn’t get punished for lying until the end, because I didn’t think she would lie until the end.
(23)I should have put what I had in evidence, but I didn’t have time to think about it at the abuse hearing, which was held shortly after the child was taken away, and I was supposed to do it again for a year, but where did the year go? I wasn’t in a position to make any decisions when I was struggling to breathe and survive day to day.
(24)Now that I think about it, I should have gotten a lawyer to do it, but for the past year, all I could do was cry because all I could think about was wanting to die every day, so I was stupid and didn’t do anything.
(25)You admitted to the police that you abused your daughter and you said you wanted to ask for forgiveness on her behalf through the police. There is no forgiveness unless my daughter is brought back alive.
(26)She’s been through enough, she’s been through enough, and she’s gotten to the point where she’s trying to live again, and you’ve just thoroughly crushed that last bit of hope.